Gen X Finds a Home on TikTok: Exploring the Shift in Social Media Preferences
Hey, awesome CC clients! It’s time to take our monthly look at social media trends. Up this month: TikTok! In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, trends come and go with the swiftness of a viral meme. Lately, there’s been a noticeable shift among Generation X, those born between the early 1960s and late 1970s. […]
The Power of Authenticity on Social Media: More Than Just a Trend
In today’s hyper-connected world, social media has become a cornerstone of our daily lives. From personal interactions to professional networking, these platforms offer a myriad of opportunities to connect, engage, and share our stories. However, amidst the noise of curated content and polished personas, authenticity stands out as a powerful force that can truly resonate […]
Why Are Captions a Must?
Hello, fabulous CC clients! It’s time once again for a dive into social media topics that matter to YOU and that elevate YOUR social media game! So, here we go! In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, content creators and marketers are constantly seeking ways to enhance user engagement and accessibility. One often-overlooked but essential aspect […]
Social Platforms, the Hottest New Search Engines?
You hear of a new restaurant. You think you might want to try it. Where do you go first? For a lot of us, it’s social media. Do they have a Facebook page? Do creatively crafted photos of their food grace their Instagram grid? We’ve got news for you. According to Hootsuite article by Britny […]